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Your Brain On Histamine


Updated: Nov 2, 2021

How is your brain feeling?

That can be a hard question to answer. Your brain doesn’t really feel pain or inflammation in the same way that other parts of your body do. Instead, problems with brain function show up as a variety of symptoms.

This month we’ll be diving into some of the brain related symptoms that can result from histamine or mast cell activation. Nerves and mast cells are anatomically connected by their close proximity to one another, and they communicate, or “cross-talk”, so it’s no surprise that mast cells and their mediators will impact the brain. (1)

Histamine in normal circumstances affects the brain through its role as a neurotransmitter, but too much of a good thing can contribute to problems. It doesn’t matter if those high histamine levels come from Histamine Intolerance (HIT) or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). To further compound the issue, with MCAS, there will be other chemical mediators involved as well.

How does histamine or mast cell activation troubles show up in the brain?

Some of the brain symptoms you might be experiencing are headaches or migraines, dizziness, anxiety, concentration or memory problems, difficulties with sleep or even sensitivity to lights, sounds, smells, temperature or electromagnetic fields.


Over the next few weeks, we’ll be tackling some of these brain symptoms.

Keep your eyes open for weekly blog posts on Tuesday mornings here at Histamine Haven. We'll cover one topic a week: anxiety, brain fog, migraines and sleep. Be sure to check back regularly!


Want to learn more about histamine issues, and how it can play in to your symptoms you experience on a daily basis? Join our online community by clicking here. Loads of printable resources, a Master Class on the Histamine Connection. It's free to join!

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